If You Aren’t Calm, You Will Lose

The roar of the crowds seemed a little quieter than usual. The screams and shouts of light-headed, crazed sports fans had died down. The hum became a deep, empty, harrowing silence. The cool breeze cut through his hair as he wondered why isn’t anyone saying…anything? Then he realized where he was standing, what his position was, and what he was holding in his right hand. Junior Teagan Taafe, local 16-year-old, was about to pitch to the opposing team. He had pitched hundreds of times before, but the experience was still just as gut-wrenching as it had always been. All he had to do was remember the age-old advice he gave himself countless times before: “…if you aren’t calm, you will lose.”

Taafe is a total jock, fan of both soccer and America’s favorite pastime, the numbers 63 and 2 have been on his back a long while. Fitting his personality, Taafe mostly plays defensive rolls in each sport, goalie for soccer and pitcher for baseball. “Baseball and soccer are similar enough for a keeper,” the all-American hero stated. “It is all about reactions.” Though he partakes in two physical activities that involve spherical shaped objects, he has no favorite. Like the total stoic beast that he continues to be, he just enjoys the game. Willing to explain the differences between the two though, thoughtfully explained, “But in general, baseball is very much more of a mental battle you have to fight during every pitch, play, inning, and game.” And on the topic of football-er-soccer: “Soccer, while some find boring, is a beautiful display of skill and strategy and it is all about teamwork.”

His life isn’t just what he plays, it also entails  his relationships and experiences. ““It is an interesting and complex dynamic,” said in regard to his teammates. “They are your brothers out there.” When he isn’t hitting things with sticks and blocking goals with his face, Taafe can be found doing homework for his 6 classes and playing piano like a true artisan. Juggling all this with the troubles of just being a young teenager is actually kind of crazy.

He takes a deep breath, observes the surrounding area. He notices the baited breaths of the crowd, his fellow players, and himself. What’s his play? His plan of attack. The pitcher smirks, lifts himself up, steadies, and as if in slow motion… the ball leaves his hand. It soars through the air like a hawk, ready for the challenge. It’s his last pitch, one more strike and the enemy is free to go whine on a bench. Going, going, and…STRIKE three! The crowd cheers, the euphoric feeling of a job well done washes over him. When asked by a friend if he would ever show the same prowess when it comes to bat,Taafe decreed, “I prefer to pitch.”