The Survivors Support Through Outreach and Prevention Club
CKHS newest club is dedicated to supporting survivors and raising awareness about sexual assault
STOP club logo, designed by Sarah Ross.
The Survivors Support Through Outreach Prevention Club, or STOP Club, is a newly founded club at Central Kitsap High School. The main goal of the club is to support survivors and raise awareness about the issue and topics like consent and healthy relationships.
“The motivation [to start STOP] really came from people stepping up from earlier years and then spreading [the] awareness of it,” Taylor Garcia, an active member of the club, said. “We really wanted to make sure that their voices were heard and to make a club based on that.”
STOP elections are being held Friday January 22nd. The positions open for candidates include president, vice president, treasurer, secretary, webmaster and two peer supporters.
To apply for a position, all one would need to do is write a paragraph explaining why they’re interested in that position and send it to one of the advisors, Mrs. Rumpke or Mr. Randall, or an active member of the club.
On the STOP Google Classroom, there is an abundance of resources beneficial for students, including information on healthy relationships, setting boundaries, and national resource centers and helplines.
“I think people should join because it’s a really, really important topic and something that needs to be heard by a lot of people, [and] I think that we should put out the awareness and definitely the prevention in the future,” Garcia said. “I know that it’s hard right now because it’s mostly online but whenever we get back to school it’s going to be really important, especially sexual assault, that it gets stopped.”
STOP is beneficial for students and helps raise awareness about important issues in the CKHS community. If you’re interested, don’t forget to vote or apply for a leadership position and support the club by following their Instagram and attending meetings.
Voting will be held through the STOP Club Google Classroom classroom via a Google form. The Google Classroom code is rncxi5j and meetings are held every Friday at 1:30 p.m.