Students at Central Kitsap High School Dedicate Extra Time to the Enrichment of Their School And its Culture
ASB Meeting
The ASB members for CKHS work very hard to provide for their fellow students. They use a lot of their time and effort planning school events and fundraisers so they can better their High School experience along with the student bodies.
The projects the club has worked on recently included spirit week, Homecoming Assembly, Homecoming Game halftime activities, and the Homecoming Dance itself. Those are also only the recent school events; these don’t include the fundraisers they’ve done.
Senior class president Nadine Dockendorf said that the planning usually put into projects ‘takes weeks… even months’ and ‘even tiny little tasks can take an hour to 5 hours.’
One thing the club wishes people knew about ASB is that they are trying their best and ‘genuinely want every student to just have a good time.’
“These kids work really really hard to benefit the school, so I guess the thing to know about ASB is hopefully who they are and what they’re doing,”said Daniel Sullivian, ASB advisor.
The keys the club uses to get things done are, ‘being honest and problem solving… being open’ along with ‘having successful leadership.’ Off-campus liaison, Rinnah Jeanne Ferrer said the most difficult part is not having open schedules for extra meetings when bigger projects come up, because their ‘schedules almost never line up.’
The club meets every Thursday morning before school. This is when they plan events and discuss topics before making collective decisions. They also do emergency meetings during advisory if big projects come up.
The Central Kitsap High School ASB is a very busy club that puts immense amounts of energy into their school, so remember they are putting in a lot of work to make CKHS better.