Meeting Mr. Chertok
A Formal Introduction of Central Kitsap High Schools New Assistant Principal
A line of cars sets up the before school traffic outside of Central Kitsap High School, Chertok’s least favorite thing about the school.
Central Kitsap High School (CKHS) welcomes a new assistant principal, starting during the 2021 to 2022 school year. Alex Chertok, transferred from South Kitsap High School (SKHS), and is ecstatic to be working in CK’s new building.
Growing up, Chertok spent a majority of his time in Vancouver, Wash. In college, he took a multitude of classes, such as ancient history, accounting, and even Mandarin. Originally, he aimed to focus on business
“I think from like, end of high school through the military, I always saw myself doing something entrepreneurial, kind of business, since a lot of my classes ended up with sort of a business side to them,”said Chertok.
Regardless of the fact that business struck Chertok as an occupation of interest, he states that he has been very fluid with his career path and n ever had one specific area he wanted to work in. A significant point in Chertok’s life includes his time in the military, which he spent trying to become a Navy Seal.
This goal was not accomplished, due to a car crash that resulted in a broken back, which led him to be filtered out of the military. From here, he returned to college and picked up on the English side of educational work.
Chertok is heavily involved in our community, both in and outside of school. Regarding CK clubs and activities, he supervises the ASB department, plans to work with SkillsUSA during their spring competitions, and hopes to become further involved in the Dungeons and Dragons (DnD) Club. Outside of school, Chertok is generally involved in sports.
“I have a soccer family,” said Chertok. “My son plays a lot of soccer. I play on a couple of men’s indoor teams. And so in terms of clubs, and stuff, that’s probably the only thing, is just quite a bit of soccer throughout the week.”
Chertok has had previous experiences with teaching, considering that he was an English teacher and head of the English department at SKHS. A variety of English backgrounds can be traced, ranging from ninth grade summer school recovery to AP Literature.
Additionally, Chertok switched positions, and became a dean of students at SKHS for two years. When asked about Chertok’s position as the dean of students, he claimed that he,
“Focused on discipline and other kinds of behavioral groups, kind of things.” From here, Chertok received an administrative certificate, and landed as assistant principal at CKHS.
When comparing SKHS along with CKHS, the biggest difference besides the two schools regards the newness of the building. Chertok shows appreciation for the new building by expressing how lucky the staff and students are to have a school community that provides so many resources.
As for these two schools’ similarities Chertok finds that staff and students go through the same struggles, successes, and work towards the same goals. He finds that students and staff are “going in the same direction.” Currently, Chertok’s favorite part about CKHS is how the school does a great job at honoring our past and valuing traditions, while further concentrating on, “growth and moving forward and progressing,” said by Chertok.
He facilitates his belief that CKHS implements the significance of growth and development by adding that CKHS has,
“A balance of those two things than a lot of other places that I’ve seen,” said Chertok.
On the other hand, Chertok expresses his least favorite part of CKHS, which is the school traffic both before and after school.
When asked what goals or changes he hopes to make this school year, he reiterated that he wants each and every student to feel a sense of belonging here.
“I think that we’ve been kind of abruptly separated, then 18 months went by, and I think that everybody’s trying to figure out, you know what: What school is, how do we run it, and how do we sit back in after so much time has passed?” said Chertok. “I think that if we can, this year, the CKHS kids feel like ‘this place is for me.’”
Chertok hopes to create change by actively interacting with students this school year, mainly with the use of school events such as dances, games, and clubs. A personal goal of his is to invest his time during his first year in this new building.
Lastly, when asked, what one thing he would want any student reading this article to know, Chertok replied with,
“There’s no question in my mind that every adult in this building wants the best for our students, and that we’re trying to get better every day at providing what people need.”