“A paraeducator is defined as a school employee who works under the supervision of teachers or other professional practitioners. Their jobs are instructional in nature, and they provide other direct services to children and youth and their families,” according to the Hawaii Department of Education. Although this is not the whole story. Teachers are skilled professionals who dedicate their time to educate and care for their students, frequently balancing multiple responsibilities throughout the day; however, it can be difficult to manage every area of the classroom due to the variety of certain students’ needs.
This is where paraeducators, also known as teacher’s assistants, play an important role. They collaborate with teachers to help organize the classroom and guarantee that the students feel supported when needed by reinforcing teaching and offering one-on-one support. Their presence allows educators to provide a good learning environment.
Paraeducators can help improve students’ educational experiences by creating a cooperative and encouraging environment. They have a vital role in the schools because of their commitment and diligence, which not only helps children academically but also fosters their social and emotional growth.
While the Hawaii Department of Education has their definition, Gil Navarro, a paraeducator at CKHS, has his own definition of what it means to be a paraeducator.
“It’s a teacher, but it’s just an extra pair of eyes—we’re able to help the teacher with whatever lesson they’re trying to plan, or whatever strategy they’re trying to implement into a student or students to help their learning,” Navarro said.
Being able to have educational support from professionals working under the supervision of a certified teacher allows paraeducators to assist groups of students in order for teachers to focus on delivering lessons while ensuring all students get the help they need to succeed. Paraeducator at CKHS, Laramie Amezquita, explains her personal experiences working alongside students.

“I think the reason why I am good is because I have one-on-one time with a student to support them and listen, maybe understand some of their learning styles or maybe understand where their learning styles aren’t being met to the standard of how we handle school—how do we support the student where they are,” Amezquita said.
Amezquita explained that educators and teachers in general need to have a relationship and build a rapport with students.
“I’ve just always been extremely open and welcoming to all students,” Amezquita said. “It does help that I coach the soccer teams, so there’s already students on the girls and the boys’ teams that know me, so there’s already students that know me and say hi, so it makes it easier for other students to say hi and ask for help when I’m helping somebody like the soccer athletes or other students.”
By collaborating with students and staff on the daily, paraeducators create a relationship and bond with their students, helping everyone feel comfortable with each other. This not only helps the student feel at home but also creates a relationship for the paraeducator and student to be welcomed into their school, forming a familiar environment to make learning fun.
“I do feel appreciated here—even if I run into teachers that aren’t in my classroom—most of them are really nice, and they stop me and say, ‘Hey, I see what you do,’ and that’s really awesome,” Wiersum said.
A paraeducator is essentially a pillar of strength, compassion, and dedication in the field of education. Their readiness to sacrifice lots for the sake of others shows immense dedication to the student’s future, making sure each person’s needs are satisfied with tolerance and compassion.

“Paraeducator, in my words, is someone who drops everything to take care of somebody else, to make sure that someone else’s needs are completely met and to be completely selfless as possible,” Wiersum said.
Beyond classroom expectations, paraeducators assist students in succeeding by offering them emotional support, motivation, and a sense of security. Their consideration creates a caring and accepting atmosphere where all students, despite their difficulties, feel appreciated.