Madeline Johnson
Throughout her match on December 14th, Johnson put up a fight and did not hold back. She held her ground and pinned her opponent quickly. Even though she went in the first bout, adding to the stress of a match, Johnson did not let that affect her performance and pulled through like a champion.
“We didn't have any service so I didn't get my music up and I was one of the first bouts and so I got caught off guard that I was starting it, so I was nervous, but immediately when we got off she started backing up and I was like, ‘oh I probably got this,’” Johnson said.
Every wrestler has a way of preparing for their match, for Johnson, this includes getting her mind ready by listening to her best confidence-boosting tunes. Even with personal goals and critiques on their performance, Johnson still stole the mat and left the crowd impressed with her attention to technique and aggression displayed during the match.
“Even though I pinned her, I did take a little bit longer than I probably should have, because I wasn't like perpendicular when going to flip her on her back, so next match I will keep my mind on that,” Johnson said.