States in the United States continuing to ban abortion rights

What has happened so far and what will continue to happen as these previously constitutionally protected rights change.

Cam Lineberry

Photo of poster used at the women’s march in Seattle from January 21 2017.

by Cam Lineberry, Reporter

Recently in the United states abortion laws have been changing. Previously it was ruled by the supreme court that abortion was protected by the constitution. This was ruled by the case of Roe versus Wade, a case that began back in 1969 but didn’t get passed until 1973.

This all began with a single Texas woman by the name of Norma Mccorvey, also known as her pseudonym Jane Roe. She had challenged Texas law at the time saying that it was unconstitutional for her to not be able to receive an abortion. After being raped and forced to carry her child to term. This case was dismissed.

However in 1973 her case was heard along side the case of Sandra Bensing, a Georgia woman also fighting against the anti-abortion laws in place.
Because of these cases it was passed that abortion and the woman’s right to privacy to receive such, is protected by the Constitution.

Recently this law has been tested by states such as Texas and Oklahoma. In the state of Texas a bill dubbed the “Heartbeat Bill”, read more here, was passed stating that after 6 weeks of being impregnated, a woman was not allowed to have an abortion.

The public’s reaction to this was very split, some fearing their futures knowing that they must follow such a restrictive law, while others praised the courts for passing a bill “saving lives”. Many have been protesting this bill sense trying to get it removed.

Recently in Oklahoma, as seen here, on May 3rd the governor of Oklahoma signed a similar bill. Again baring women in the state from getting an abortion after 6 weeks of pregnancy. This has proven to be quite the issue for women in the state of Texas seeing as many have been fleeing to states such as Oklahoma in order to receive abortions. Now that it’s illegal there as well it is anticipated that in surrounding states the amount of abortions could skyrocket in the coming months.

Seeing as the recent possible overturning of Roe v Wade, read the overturning draft here, states surrounding the area are already preparing to make similar abortion laws. Further banning the care people are so desperately trying to get. Many are outraged by these choices the supreme court is trying to pass. On Friday May fourteenth many organized protests against such actions in their local community, read about Seattle’s upcoming protest here. Forming mass protests all over the country, hoping to get the courts to see their side of things and understand why they want to keep such laws in place.

In the state of Washington it is presumed that the laws protecting these rights will not be changed. There has been no preparation to overturn any abortion laws yet. This could also mean that more people from states where it will be banned will seek medical care in Washington.
There have been talks of this new legislation affecting other laws thought to have been cemented in our constitution. While nothing has come of these talks yet it is possible. Whatever the outcome there are sure to be some dramatic changes to the country’s health care and what may be considered a constitutional right.

If you would like to see a pro-life perspective on this situation you should check out this article.

If you would like to see a pro-choice perspective on this situation you should check out this article.