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Freshmen ASB Council Are Elected
Pres. Connor Huey listening to Advisor with Issac Ordonez
Alana Cardano
President Connor Huey working with Issac Ordonez for the Freshmen Homecoming Skit
On Sept. 21 the Freshmen class voted for the Freshmen ASB and the votes are in. We have President Connor Huey, he was President in sixth grade for Brownsville Elementary, Class Representative in seventh grade and Event Coordinator in the eighth grade in CKMS. He wants to serve the community and the 2021 class and his position provides him with many opportunities. His plans for ASB are to make sure that Freshmen ASB complete tasks efficiently and to make sure that Class of 2021’s voice is represented accordingly. “I greatly enjoy going to school everyday with people in the Class of 2021, and I wanted to give back to them for everything they’ve done” Huey said.
Elected Freshmen Vice President is Nathan DeSchryver, he was influenced by Kyle Zeng to run and is eager to serve. He is looking forward to watching out for everybody and helping the President. “I wanted to be apart of ASB and felt that being Treasurer would be the best position for me” DeSchryver stated.
Freshmen Secretary is Isabella Sammis, she is excited to be a part of something bigger and to help the students of CKHS. She hopes to improve the school and make it a better place for everyone. Sammis is influenced by her friend Zay Quito to run for office and plans to run for Secretary again next year. “I plan on listening to everyone and and trying to meet everyone’s demands, my goal is to make this school year great” Sammis said.
Freshmen Treasurer is Rhylan Ferguson, he was Vice President in fifth grade and President in sixth grade. He’s very excited to be more involved in the school’s events and activities, he was inspired to run by Nathan Deschryver and Stirling Barr. “I wanted to be apart of ASB and felt that being Treasurer would be the best position for me” Ferguson said.
The new Freshmen ASB officers will be striving to make the ninth grade fun and unforgettable. They meet in Mrs. Lane’s room after school on Thursdays and all freshmen are welcome to attend meetings.