Upperclass Homecoming Skits

The Junior and Senior class are coming in hot

Senior ASB Meeting

by Meagan Green, Reporter

The upperclassmen are taking homecoming skits to another level this year, bringing fresh themes and choreography to the assembly. Homecoming skits are performances at the pep assembly, before the day of the homecoming dance. Each class prepares a performance based on the theme they choose. They must then incorporate a float, poster, and choreography to represent and earn points for their class. The winner of spirit week will then be revealed after all the skits are performed.  

Senior ASB discussing Spirit week and skit

The junior class has been hard under way working and perfecting their performance on Marvel vs D.C.


“We’ve been working for about three weeks, but the idea was thought of over a month ago” Gavin Cashmore speaks on behalf of the Junior Class. “It wasn’t necessarily one person to think of it but a group effort” he clarifies. According to the Juniors the float is supposed to look like a batmobile, which is still currently under construction.


The Seniors are taking a different route, straying from superheros and villains.


“Our theme is Avatar the Last Air Bender” Senior class President Treys Neptune reveals. In the past, the senior class has been granted privileges such as the microphone and lights to use. However this year all classes will be granted the lights. “We wanted to equal out the senior privileges” Neptune admits, however he can’t speak for everyone, as some are opposed to this change. Regardless, this year’s upperclassmen are excited and anxious to show the school what they’ve been working on.