Associated Student Body and Sophomore Class

Sophomore ASB is here for you. To speak for you and to guide you.


Sophomore ASB sits down and talks about upcoming plans.

by Thomas Simpson, writer

September 20, 2017

 Sophomore  Associated Student Body (ASB) has contributed a great deal of support and spirit to the Central Kitsap High School atmosphere. Ally Toms, Sophomore ASB president, speaks about what ASB does for the school.


She states “To me it means involving your class and your school and making CK a better place for everyone.”


Sophomore ASB has meetings every thursday after school. As Sophomore ASB they take in ideas from the sophomore class to incorporate the class in decisions, then takes the ideas to the executive board meetings. This process is to unite the class so they can help make the current year better for their class. ASB  are also involved in school activities like the school dances, the homecoming skit and the lip sync battles. The ASB brings school spirit and helps tell students about current events that are happening such as school activities.


Toms says “ My favorite part about ASB is being a voice for the students.”  

Thomas Simpson
Adviser Mrs. Ngo gives advice on what should be done with the Sophomore float.

Sophomore member at large Darcy Ribada also speaks on this topic.


Ribada says “It contributed positivity and leadership.”


The ASB is a big family according to Ribada. Big plans coming up  for the Sophomore ASB is the homecoming skit and helping out with setting up Homecoming.


“ I really feel like we’re going to redeem ourselves.” Toms stated.


Some words of advice from Toms for future ASB members “ have fun, always ask for your classes input and try your best.”