Interactive Club
The Interactive Club is operating and is looking for more members
Interactive Club

Member Woon Na holding the Interactive Club Flag
Oct. 17, 2017
There are many clubs that operate throughout CKHS, one of them is the Interact Club. The Interact Club offers a variety of volunteer work and allows students to get in touch with their communities and other schools in the district. The Interact Club helps students make connections that can help them during future educations, like college.
“We also try to connect to other Interact clubs in the district and in the world. One of our former President is in Taiwan and trying to set up more connections.” said Secretary Gillian Mangan. The Interact Club was created to interact and give services to the community. It also serves as a link between the Kitsap Rotary Club which is a service organization. The Rotary Club also funds the events that the Interact Club does, like the Warm and Fuzzy drive, where they gave objects to the less fortunate in order to help them with the seasons.
“It’s a group of students who give themselves to help others but as new members join and old members depart, it takes a while to get traditions set up. But you couldn’t ask for a nicer group of kids,” said Adviser Russell Schuhart. The Interact club doesn’t have much members but what they lack in size, they make up for in spirit. The members are a close knit group but are very welcoming to newcomers and want the newcomers to also be considerate of other people’s ideas.
“The Interactive Club is pretty cool, they have a lot of variety in their volunteer work,” said a student. The Interactive Club volunteers a lot within the community; the club works a lot with the Kitsap Rotary Club, the middle schools, Boys/Girls club, food drives, and other services like Kitsap Youth in Action and One Heart Wild Sanctuary.
The Interactive Club is excited to see you at the next meeting. The club meets in Room 303 at 7:20, every other Tuesday.