Phones: Acceptable Or Not?
Students want phones to be avaliable during school hours but is it acceptable?
Alyssa Lowe is on her phone during school hours
October 18, 2017
“Give me your phone!” Most students have heard these saying in school or in your classroom hundreds of times. The teacher or instructor has said this to a friend of yours that had his/her phone out or could have been directed straight to you. Ian Schweiger, a senior at Central Kitsap High School, said “No student likes to give their phone to a teacher”. At Central Kitsap High School, the rule about phones is a teacher’s rule. It’s up to the teacher to decide their phone policies in the classroom. Wilson Zapata says “yes, I should be able to have my phone out in school”. If the teacher allowed phones out in class then the student would have an easier way of getting information off of the internet. Plus for example, it’s at the tip of their fingertips to find the answer of the biggest tiger in the world. We live in a world that uses so much technology in everyday life that it has already became a lifestyle.
Teachers in the school also can say no phones at all and will decrease the access of information. They like when students don’t have their phone out because some think that it takes up a student’s attention of learning. Bailey Alvarado said “It’s the students choice to pay attention and learn at school”. Most students will agree to Bailey’s comment. Either way you must follow the rules of the teacher or else you’ll get your phone taken.
A study done on 12 to 17 year old said that 87 percent of student listen to music to help them relax and zone out all other distractions out.
Zack Wheeler said “I love listening to music when i’m working on homework”. Also, Students prefer music they like to listen to for relaxation and keep them focused on an assignment or finishing up a worksheet. More and more studies are being executed on if students are getting more work done by listening to music.
Overseeing the big picture is up to the teacher because, once again, they do have the final saying if phones or cellular devices are acceptable in class. Each teacher is different, each student is different and they all function a different way. Student’s that do get distracted very easy may not receive using your phone in class. Eathon Dodson said “A student that pays attention and gets their work done has a better chance of being able to use his or her phone”.

A student on her phone when she is at school.