Sports Medicine

The amazing class of central kitsap sports medicine.

Brennan Googe

Ken Ahlstrom teaching his 5th period sports medicine class

by brennan googe, writer

Ken Ahlstrom is an important part to Central Kitsap High School’s (CK) backbone. If you know his role you’ll understand the terrible pun made. He’s the head of the sports medicine class at CK.

According to Ahlstrom the class is responsible for “The prevention and treatment of athletic injuries for all CK athletes.” This is so that students maintain a safe space while playing competitive sports. The class allows students to develop a basic understanding of sports medicine. This enables them to attend sports games and get a hands on view of the injuries granting them the ability to prepare and treat the injuries the athletes participating in the game may receive.

For the students that see a future in the class is an outlook on their future job choices. Ahlstrom said “I have had a lot of students gone off to medical fields as their job.” This could mean that the class had opened up a new passion for which without the class they may not have had. All students are given the option to participate in this class and have a fun work environment. So don’t pass up the amazing opportunity.

brennan googe
Class skeleton for sports medicine.