WWE Are Starting Wrestling Soon

Wrestling season is coming up


Alana Cardano

Wrestling trophies from other years

by Alana Cardano, Writer

Alana Cardano
Mark McKee lifting 120 lbs with Michael Lamb and Caleb Skiski spotting


Oct. 31, 2017


“High school wrestling is six minutes of human combat. No halftime. No substitutions. No time outs. Nobody to blame your failures on,” described Wrestling Coach Mike Harter. A new season begins at CKHS bringing a new wave of sports and holidays. Wrestlers, rejoice! Your season has just begun. A lot of practice goes into wrestling, Wrestlers have to be strong, mentally and physically and they have to be confident in their abilities.


Discipline as a general rule, like showing up to practice, watching what you eat and being strong mentally. There are sometimes when you hit a physical wall and you just have to push through,” said Girl’s Captain Brittani Smith. Wrestlers have been working hard these past weeks, working with each other during their preseason workouts. The wrestlers have been focusing on their techniques, mental strength, physical strength, speed and skill for the upcoming meets.


“We’re a very accepting group, it’s like a family, it’s just a good time and it’ll get you in shape,” said one of the wrestlers. The wrestling team is very close and works with each other to improve. The wrestling team’s goals are to win matches, compete and place in tournaments but their main goal is to create disciplined and well mannered members.


Wrestling is a great way to blow off some steam and meet new students during the school year. Open mat days are Mondays and Wednesdays after school in the Fitness Center/Weight room till 5:30. The season officially starts on Nov. 14 so don’t forget your paperwork which is due on Nov. 9. Follow the Central Kitsap Cougar Wrestling page on Facebook for more information on events.