A Friendly Face At CKHS
Get to know Rozelle Rubio
Nov. 22, 2017
Millions of students have passed through the halls of CKHS, learning new skills, creating lifelong relationships with other students, and seeing new faces everyday. A face that you might recognize around the halls is Senior Rozelle Rubio.
Three words someone would use to describe her would be: “leader, awesome and smart”. With all that she does for the community, it’s not hard to see why. During school, she attends running start, she dedicates many hours to the sports med program and she’s the ASB Off Campus Liaison. After school, she leads the FCCLA club as the President, she’s also a member of the National Honor Society, she volunteers at the food bank and a big part of her outside life is dance, she’s been dancing for 15 years and dances in performances like “Cinderella” and “The Nutcracker”.

Rubio is a local citizen in Silverdale but some of her plans after getting her education is to travel the world and experience some of the different cultures. Rubio is always looking forward, either for her goals or for education, some of the subjects that Rubio would love to learn is the Korean language, Anatomy which she’s already learning in her Sports Med. classes and Psychology. After high school, some of her educational goals are to attend a college or university, get her master’s degree.
Three words that she would describe herself as are “friendly, inclusive, and caring”, “She’s really cool and funny,” said a student. She loves to socialize with all of her friends and is always excited to meet more. She is always interested in going to school functions or events, because she loves to “socialize and meet new people while having the feeling you are part of the school by participating in school functions,”

Some of the school events you might see her at are FCCLA, where she’ll be leading the discussions and activities and working closely with Mrs. Schick as the FCCLA President. She also attends Honor Society Meetings consistently and loves doing volunteer work to help the community. She mainly goes to volunteer at the Kitsap County Food Bank where anyone can volunteer. She is also the ASB Off Campus Liaison which means that she represents Off-Campus and Commuter students to the ASB, and also attends the ASB Forums.
“It is often quite difficult to balance because of the homework load on top of my extracurricular activities but I persevere to keep things going in the right direction, even when times get unbearable and I get disorganized,” said Rubio. It can be hard for anyone to be able to keep up with all of her strenuous work but she continues to rise to the top and keep going. With all of her friends and family there to support her, she is able to be the best she can. If it was her last day on this world, she would choose to let the most important people in her life know that she sincerely loves them and apologize for all her past mistakes.
“She’s a really great person to be around and it’s just a lot of fun hanging out with her,” said a student. She has been working hard and striving towards creating a better future for her. With all of her studies and extracurricular activities, Rubio is constantly working but she always remembers what is most important; her friends and family.