Working As A Teenager
Students going to work and on top of that, enrolled in high school classes at Central Kitsap High School
The Model sisters: Madison Wallis and Syndey Wallis struting their stuff.

Nov. 21, 2017
Going to high school in Washington is a normal thing in today’s days. Some students that are enrolled at Central Kitsap High School not only go to school and get their school work done but also may have a job. A study done by Office of Financial Management said that the average annual pay in Washington is 57,057.
Sydney Wallis, A freshman enrolled at Central Kitsap, said that “I work to be able to have some money on the side if I want to go out with friends or go to the mall.”
Mrs. Wallis is a freshman at Central Kitsap High School that is currently an acting model. She has explained that she got into modeling because it runs in the family. Even though she is a model and has the same expectation as every student at Central Kitsap, she still finds time to get all of her work done and stay on top of everything. The university in Portland did a study about students attending school and have a job at the same time. They said it helps them with time management.
Madison Wallis, a junior that is enrolled in classes at Central Kitsap High School and related to Sydney Wallis, works at Old Navy. She said she loves to work their and I like their discount because I like to go shopping for clothes. She got into working at Old Navy because she, too, wanted money on the side if she went out with some friends. She currently has a 3.67 GPA.
According to US- News, they found that the average GPA in the United States is 3.0 GPA. Angel Davila, a Senior enrolled in classes at Central Kitsap High School, said that “I want to start working but with school and work, it may be a little hard to manage both.” Angel said that he want to work at Old Navy or Champs Sports. The minimum wage in Washington state in $11 an hour.
The motivation for working while attending school at any level, high school or college, is having money on the side or may have insurance for a car to pay. Angel also said that “For me, it’s hard to get a job because I have tried but none of the jobs call me back.” he had problems finding a job but Madison Wallis, that works at Old Navy, said “Old Navy was my first job I tried at I got it real easy. Some students luck out and some others have a trouble finding a job.”