Non-Profit Events for Students


Carter VanVuren

Shelves of food for hungry people during the holidays, donated to the food bank

by Carter VanVuren, Writer

During the holidays, many show their spirit by giving, sharing, and being generous with their wealth. Charity events happen around town and around schools this time of year, making it easy to get some good karma in your pocket. The coin drive for hurricane victims, the food bank down the street, and the toy drive for children in the hospital are all opportunities available to the students of CK.

CK food bank has been helping our community for a long time, it began as a church pantry in 1989, and moved to it’s location next to Central Kitsap High School in ’92. The food bank is open from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm, and isn’t normally open after the school is out, but students still have opportunities during winter break and can volunteer and donate in order to help their community. Students can bring in donations of non perishable food items and help the food bank support over 400 families that come around for the holidays.

Carter VanVuren
Fresh foods can be donated directly from peoples gardens

Last week, people walked around the school with buckets, asking for coins. Those coins go to victims of hurricane Irma in Puerto Rico. ASB President Grace Chun thought up this idea after seeing her elementary school do the same thing for victims of an earthquake in 2010. For the eight days that the coin drive was running, we saved 228 dollars and nine cents, surpassing the goal of 200 dollars that Grace set for the event. Our motto as a school this year is “Cougar, community, and country,” and ASB is following this completely with the coin drive being an event for people struggling in other parts of the country. Stuff the bus is an event put on from the Stand up for Kids organization to help other students, and the service week is another charity event that ASB put out for the students to get into the holiday spirit of giving. Students came together and put canned food, toiletries, and non-perishable items into the bus to help others in need. Grace says to be on the lookout for, “other fun things planned ahead,” so stay in the holiday spirit of giving!