Here Comes The Holiday’s
Winter is the coldest season of the year
Christmas tree in the attendance office at Central Kitsap High School.
December 12, 2017

Kinoa Kapu and Kylee Hutchinson are hanging out in the hallway of Central Kitsap High School.
Winter has finally arrived and time to bundle up in warm clothes. “The holidays are a time to cherish and spend time with family to enjoy tradition” says by Kobe Ruffle. The average temperature in Silverdale, Washington of 2017 this winter will be 42 degrees. A good way to stay warm with a tasty tree is to go to a holiday event coming up.
Something the family is looking forward to participating in is Zoolights. This event goes on in the winter and located at the Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium in Tacoma. The whole zoo is decorated in more than half a million of lights. It’s a zoo, don’t forget, so there are also many exotic animals at the sanctuary.
Garret Johnson, a sophomore at Central Kitsap High School, said “I love going to Zoolights and it’s a great experience if you’ve never been there”.
Winter is the coldest season of the year so stay cozy and comfy with your family. Christmas is the annual Christian festival celebrating Christ’s birth.
Gabby Story, also a sophomore at Central Kitsap High School, said “Christmas is my favorite holiday throughout the year.” Gabby also said that Christmas is the holiday for giving and realizing everything you have.
If you don’t celebrate Christmas or any other holidays during the winter, there are family traditions that you might not know about.
Brett Smith said that “I always go out for a Christmas dinner or go to the movies with the family.” He also goes out of town to see family and celebrates Christmas over there. There are wonderful places and things you can do this winter.