Tolo Preview
The big controversy of Tolo.
I went around and asked 150 people if they were excited or not about Tolo this was the response.
Tolo is a time to have fun and just have a good time where the girl ask the guy to the dance instead of visa versa ruling out the traditional way which is basic. This year Tolo will be held on February second 2018 tickets will be 10$ with ASB and 15$ without ASB. Tolo is a time for a different type of experience where it’s mostly just couples going and where you don’t really feel obligated to go if you don’t get asked. Going to these dances is a part of the high school experience you go and have fun make good memories with good people. The dance is in the gym at our school and is put together by our students ASB and Ms.staker.
The poll the Cougar Chronicle did for Tolo is people who are excited for tolo and people who aren’t excited for Tolo. It’s a pretty good representation of how Tolo is going to be. The Cougar Chronicle asked 150 people if they are excited or not excited the poll kinda speaks for itself. Not many people are going to be going because of how homecoming played out. A good 95% followed up with why they aren’t excited when The Cougar Chronicle asked them the question and almost all the people who said they aren’t excited for it said because homecoming everyone got kicked out and has lowered their hopes for Tolo.
Logan Field who has attended every school dance since freshman year and who is now a senior said “I’m not going all out for tolo because I will probably get kicked out. I’m still hoping to have a good time with my friends and my girlfriend because its our senior year and we want it to be memorable and not to remember it as the dance we got kicked out of and where only a few hundred went to oppose homecoming where 900 plus students went to.I’m keeping my hopes there even when everyone else’s hopes aren’t there cause maybe they’ll do something and it’ll be good.”
Putting together the dance is a very hard task you have to hire a DJ, hire a photographer, get chaperones to volunteer to be at the dance for the entire time you have to get a sheriff there for security reasons and lastly you have to choice the theme of the dance and set up for it all. Each dance normally takes about 8 hours to set up and get everything looking nice. This years Tolo theme is “A black and gold affair”art deco themed in the 1920’s.
Tolo has a completely different atmosphere compared to homecoming and prom. Susannah Terry public relations in ASB and the chair women of dance venue had this to say. “It will be a more welcoming atmosphere a new DJ and louder music. People will get warning this time. We are putting the Dj in the center so its more welcoming because everyone bunched up in the middle which kinda pushed some people out. It will be more welcoming cause there is less people homecoming was just overwhelming with people way to crowded we sell way less tickets for tolo than homecoming.”
A main reason people aren’t going to Tolo is because they think they are going to be kicked out of the dance by administrators but that won’t be the case says Susannah Terry “Definitely not with the new DJ system things won’t be as intense.We thought that through if we put the DJ in the center the grind circle that is normally in the center won’t be there anymore.”
Students planning on making it to this February 2nd will be greeted with a good atmosphere and lots of good memories. Despite the controversy of the dance,you should still try to make it.You’ll look back and regret that you aren’t going. Be there or miss out on a great opportunity Cougs!
Susannah Terry getting things prepared for the Tolo meeting.