Thoughts on Semester One
Semester One Review
The average rating of the first semester
Feb 20, 2018
A lot of events happened during the first semester; Homecoming, the end of fall and winter sports, taking the PSATS, finals and everything in between. As semester one releases its hold on our grades, a lot students are reflecting on their work during the semester and asking themselves, “How can I improve this semester?”.
While commenting on the first semester, freshman Brett Selby described it as, “Tiring, horrible and exhilarating,”, because it was his first semester in high school and he hadn’t adjusted to the workload, horrible because he had a hard time getting the amount of sleep that he needed and exhilarating because he had a lot of fun days like Free Fridays in PE. Selby rates semester one as two and a half out of five stars.
Freshman Cara Murphy described her experience of first semester as “Sleepless, difficult and stressful,” because she took harder classes so she had harder homework assignments and stressful because there was a lot of pressure for her to get good grades. Murphy rates semester one as four out of five.

Angela Eustaquio, a freshmen would describe her first semester as “Interesting, realizations and suspenseful”.
“Realizations because like I gained a new work ethic and I was starting to understand which study techniques were better for me and for my subjects. Suspenseful because in the beginning things were really difficult but then it start to get easier and then it start to fluctuate between whether i could understand or if I was falling behind” Eustaquio said.
Joanna Ferrer, a freshman chose to describe her personal experience as “Depressing, truthful and sad,” because it was her first semester and Ferrer was stressed about everything.
“I barely had classes with anyone I knew last year, I’m not so good at adjusting.” Ferrer rates the first semester as three out of five.
A lot of students have a hard time getting through the semesters but teachers are always there to help and using programs like Quizlet is a huge advantage.