Lockers Pros and Cons
Lockers can be good and bad! Here are the pros and cons of lockers that schools have problems with!
Lockers have been around since the 1970s, students around the world have used lockers throughout high school and middle school. Lockers have a lot of advantages for their user but in turn can also have a lot of disadvantages.
Lockers could be good for students because they can keep their schoolwork safe and secure.
“You don’t have to put as much stuff in your backpack, having a lot of stuff in your bag can give you a lot of back pain, that’s not nice, and you won’t forget your stuff,” says sophomore Madison Martel.
“I think lockers are good for students because they are good for them to stored there things, when they don’t want to take it home,” says a students who wishes to be quoted anonymously.
There can be good things about lockers for students but there are also bad things about lockers.
“Students can hide things that teachers and staff that they can’t necessarily see,” says, a student who wishes to be quoted anonymously.
Martel gives reason why lockers can be bad. “They can be bad because it takes time out to like getting to your class. I personally don’t think there is enough time, depending how far away your classes are, to put your stuff away, and to take it out.”
Security can be a issue too because students can break in lockers and steal stuff from other students which can result the school to having to pay. Which can result in thief, and the school removing lockers.
Schools are charging students because the material, units, and construction. Another reason is that schools have to pay the shipping and combination of the locks. But some students can’t afford everything that the school charges. But getting these lockers won’t probably be enough for all students.
Lockers could be expensive and would it be fair to pay a fee for the school coming out of pocket?
“Maybe if we don’t pay the fee, we are obviously responsible for the lock, so I think the fee is fair because the school had to pay a lot of money for the lockers to reimburse the school, “ says a student who wishes to be quoted anonymously.
Schools have there different opinions to have lockers and not to have lockers. Some of the reasons can be the students not being physical, security, gang violence and shootings.
Some reasons can be that they are good for carrying stuff and lasting for a long time.
Lockers can be a factor in shootings, hiding stuff, and helping students workload.
Lockers can have advantages in some schools and no advantages in some schools. They will always be in people’s lives for work and school, so they can help people or not.