The Definition Of Students

In today’s world, it is seemingly anything but a small one. There are many problems that may be unnoticed or neglected by the public. Some problems are prioritized by those who stand up and assemble, look to create an influence for what they believe in. Everyone on earth are human beings, we live by the by the ages, but for some it may be by the week, or day to day, by the hour. Across the globe there are billions of people who live, but there are only many who will make monumental changes.
Central Kitsap High School holds many different students from different cultures. The society at CKHS is anything but a normal one. Students strive for change and to always do the right thing. This can be exemplified by the schools immersion in the community and the calls for change for better gun laws to protect students, U.S citizens, and the world. All students at CKHS have that ability to bring monumental changes in the world. Again, for all students, education is the winding road they have long since been traveling on. Graduation is simply driving a car and getting home to park it in your garage. To get inside your house there is a barrier, and that is your door. For a college education and to advance yourself, you must open those doors. You want to get to the top floor to get to bed. The path to the top is not the road, it is the stairs, you will always be advancing from that point on.
Students were asked three questions
How do you define a Student?
What do you actually do when it becomes being a Student?
What Colleges might you go to?

Logan Field isn’t CK’s Average Student
CKHS Soccer player and student, Logan Field was asked what his definition of a student was. He said that “ A Student is someone who is capable of obtaining information, learning it, and then being able to apply it”. He also added that “Being a student is the key to success, we are all students of something”.
The Cougar Chronicle also asked, “What do you actually do when it comes to being a student?”.
Logan replied stating that he likes to “Learn new ways to do work more efficiently while still doing his best”.
Logan told us that he is looking to go to Western Washington University or Tacoma Community College.
The Cougar Chronicle also ran into another Student-athlete Girls Volleyball and Lacrosse player Natalie Cole and we asked her the same questions as the previous student.
When asked “How do you define a student?” she replied that it is “Somebody who goes to school.” This is key because in modern society to learn usually people go and attend school for a vast portion of the beginning of their lives.
We also proceeded to ask her “What does she actually do when it comes being a student?” she replied with “ A Lot of crying” We were quite concerned to hear this answer and then she further explained asked why and she stated that “It is also a lot of stress at times because depending on the classes you take you do not feel smart until you master what you have learned, and just when you think it’s over you’re thrown back down the stairs where you started with a new subject/chapter.”
In response to asking her how she builds on this despite all of the hardships of the education process she stated that “She focuses and perseveres through it to achieve big.”
Being a student is hard work, for all schools across the nation and the world. It would not be called an achievement if it was not hard. That would simply be saying you climbed a mountain but you only walked up your hill by your house. Everyone may have a different goal in life, but it is the way that they define what a student is, predicts their future.