IPhone vs. Android
The first IPhone was made in 2008 and the first Android was made in 2007.
Jarod Gamboa using an IPhone.
Febuary 27, 2018 10:11 a.m

Mr. Keel using an Android.
How do you contact or communicate with someone that’s states away? With a phone of course! In the world that we live in, as a society, has exponentially grown and revolutionize as a community. Central Kitsap High School students use their phones to look up information, quench their thirst for knowledge and contact friends or family when needed.
A study has done by Samsung and found that the most common use for cell phones are to make calls. Another study was done and found that 18 to 24 years old , on average, check their phones 74 times per day. From 25 to 34 years old look at their device 50 times. If you’re going to use a cell phone on a regular bases, constantly checking if any notification popped on your phone, wouldn’t you get a phone to fit your needs?
Phones are a common handhold object that many students have. Some students may want to get an iphone or an android. Most students have an iphone. Out of 150 students at Central Kitsap High School, 71 percent of students have an iphone and 29 percent of students have an android.
Alyssa Lowe, a Senior at Central kItsap, has an android and said “I love my android and think Iphones are overrated.”
Another comment was made by Jarod Gamboa and expressed that he likes iphones better. Jarod said “Iphones are easier to use and people friendly when operating.”
A controversy between who has a better phone may never have a real answer.