The Problem With Prom

Exploring the issues present with prom.

Set of important dates for seniors, including prom. Xavier Medina

by Xavier Medina, Assistant Editor

Prom is one of the pinnacle events many seniors look forward to in their last year of high school. The excitement of buying a ticket, picking a dress or tuxedo, and hanging out with friends creates memories that will last a lifetime. 

Although these feelings are present this year, things may be done differently. As of right now, prom is waiting to be approved until senior students come to an agreement with administration and find a solution to the many problems present. 

Students met inside the auditorium on Oct. 29 to discuss the reasons that prom has potentially been canceled and any solutions we can bring to the table in order to resurrect the idea of prom. 

When it comes to bringing new ideas into light, senior class president Cody Hall has a few in mind. One way Hall believes students can solve this issue brings up the idea of holding more meetings. 

The cafeteria in which Homecoming was held will most likely hold prom. Adonis Bugetz

Hall states, “I think we should discuss the topic more, hold more senior meetings. working together as not only as a class but as a school is vital to figuring out how to fix the culture.” 

Not only does Hall believe we need more meetings, but Hall also states that it’s a culture thing. “We’ve been discussing that the culture at CK is inappropriate at school dances, so we basically need to fix it so that students don’t outright suspect teachers to be cool with what they do at dances. It needs to be a safer environment with no hazards,  such as the mosh pit” 

Central Kitsap isn’t the only school district that has run into this issue. Schools such as Kellenberg Memorial High School have canceled their prom back in 2005 and have been a thriving school community since. 

According to an article from the New York Times, Kenneth M. Hoagland, the school’s principal, issued a letter to parents explaining what their reasons were for canceling. “Aside from the bacchanalian aspects of the prom — alcohol/sex/drugs — there is a root problem for all this and it is affluence.” expressed Hoagland. “Affluence changes people. Too much money is not good for the soul. Our young people have too much money … The prom has become the occasion of conspicuous consumption — from dress, to limousines, to entertainment.” 

On Tuesday, Nov. 5, the class of 2020 met again with ASB and Activities Advisor Daniel Sullivan and Principal Craig Johnson to discuss different solutions to bring into the light. Johnson discussed that this was not a punishment, but an opportunity for students and administration to fix an issue that has been present for years. 

Both administration and students are working hard to improve the dance experience and hopefully bring a safer and more enjoyable possibility for students to attend the dance. While many are worried about the outcome of prom, Johnsons encourages students that administrators do not want students to view this as a punishment but a way to come together to find a new alternative with fewer safety hazards and less opportunity for students to show perversity.