The Issue at Hand: Youth Homelessness
Lending information on how to help with homeless youth.
As time goes on, much of the youth in America experience homelessness on a daily basis. Kitsap County is only a small percentage affected by this issue, but many are acting upon their own word to help eradicate homelessness among those between the ages of 13-24.
According to InvisiblePeople the total number of youth that is declared homeless each year amounts to 4.2 million young people. In Kitsap County, the number is considerably smaller than the national total; however, about 1,000 students in Kitsap Schools were recorded homeless in the 2017-2018 school year by the Kitsap Sun.
Many experts in America state that it is not the youth’s fault, but is the fault of the complicated process many have to go through in order to prevent the situation. “It needs work across sectors, it is not just a housing issue,” stated Elizabeth Bowen, an assistant professor of Social Work at the University of Buffalo according to YouthToday. “We need child welfare involved. We need educators involved. We need criminal justice involved. There is no singular pathway.”
When it comes to the prevention of homeless youth, many shelters have provided ways to end the relentless fight against youth homelessness. End Homelessness states that in order to end youth homelessness “youth and young adults need stable housing, supportive connections to caring adults, and access to mainstream services that will place them on a path to long-term success.”
CoffeeOasis, an organization dedicated to ending youth homelessness, brings up many ways you can join the fight and keep the youth off the streets. Volunteering, hosting a resource drive, and gaining an understanding of the cause are only some of the ways you can devote to ending youth homelessness. Saying hello to the youth also may help, as many of them feel invisible, alone, judged, and rejected according to CoffeeOasis.
Although it may seem like there isn’t much one can do to help stop youth homelessness, taking time out of your day to contribute towards the cause can improve the lives of those affected. Many children and teenagers are faced with this issue day in and day out. Centers for help are located in Bremerton, Poulsbo, and Port Orchard.