Solving Modern Slavery
Freedom February
A 12 year old girl being welcomed home after being liberated from Human Trafficking – Taken by Rescue Freedom’s instagram page
On December sixth, 1865, slavery in America was abolished. Hundreds of thousands of people were freed from the chains of slavery. To begin new lives with the freedom to do what they want, the freedom to choose what lies ahead of them.
But for many, slavery didn’t end there. 20 to 40 million young men, women, and children are victims of human trafficking, and a large portion of these victims are unaccounted for because of the secrecy behind modern slavery.
Rescue Freedom is fighting to free these millions from the chains of slavery, and for the month of February, they have partnered with Newlife to gain donations towards their cause.

Even though February is coming to an end there is still time to donate, and Rescue Freedom accepts donations year-round.
“Freedom February is just February, but we always need help over there at Rescue Freedom, it’s more than just February.” The freshman Katrina Shoemaker elaborates.
When donating there is often a concern of how much of the money given is actually being used for the good. In doing a little research a majority of the money given is put towards programs in place to help with liberation. 80% of donations go towards the cause, which is only 5% away from their goal of 85% of contributions going towards the cause.
The results of donations and liberation can be clearly seen on their social networking, Twitter and Instagram, which is mostly used to encourage donations, but also tells the stories of men and women who have been liberated and lived fulfilling lives.
Such as Zala, an Ethiopian woman who was liberated from 27 years of prostitution and is now running her own laundry business.
She and over 173 others have been liberated by Rescue Freedom, and more will continue to be aided by their cause.
“It’s very helpful learning about what’s going on…now I really want to help because it’s a lot of people…who are stuck in slavery…and really need help…it’s humbling to help them,” says freshman Alaina Fancher who participated in Newlife’s attempt to help, and it opened her eyes to the troubling reality of what is happening. “In a small town, it seems like you can’t do much sometimes, by doing little things…it can make a big impact… even just donating those few dollars you can literally save someone.”

Shoemaker elaborates on how the charity has inspired her to reach out and reconnect with her church, and though not everyone has that religious drive to help. This charity goes much further than that.
Because the victims of slavery are people just like you and just like me, they led normal lives with families and friends and hopes and dreams.
If you wish to donate, feel free to check out their site or purchase merchandise from their shop, all of the proceeds go to the cause, and if you’d like to be a part of the cause keep up with events and prepare for February of 2021.