Why Anti-Maskers Increase the Risk of Spreading Coronavirus
Anti-Maskers claim that wearing masks “threatens their freedom.”
A Set of Masks as Recommended by the CDC.
Due to the risks of spreading the coronavirus, it has been widely recommended that those who are going outside or going to the store should always wear a mask to protect themselves and others. However, there are also people who refuse, some saying “my body, my choice,” to defend their own ignorance.
Of course, there are people who physically cannot wear masks because of respiratory problems or anxiety, but those are the more understandable reasons to not wear a mask. The kinds of people that are being discussed here are the aggressive and disruptive anti-maskers.
Wearing masks when going outdoors and around other people is important because masks will block droplets that contain bacteria in them. For example, when someone sneezes or coughs, the mask would prevent any droplets from escaping from the cloth. If the person who is sneezing or coughing does not wear a mask, then the masks of the people around them would block the bacteria from going through.
With a virus like COVID-19 where victims cough as a result of it, using an item that blocks droplets of bacteria is essential to preventing the spread of it.
Many of these anti-maskers argue that “forcing” people to wear masks is a threat to their freedom and that they don’t believe masks work. There are some who claim that the coronavirus is a “hoax” and does not exist.
Another argument is that they will “breathe in their own carbon dioxide” if they wear a mask. However, using that logic, many people whose jobs require them to wear a mask at all times would have died of suffocation already. The only way someone would suffocate from a face-covering would be if it were air-tight and did not allow air to pass through.
The arguments that the anti-maskers use are either lies or conspiracies. They try to convince other people that wearing masks is somehow dangerous even though the sole reason why people are encouraged to wear masks in the first place is because they want others to be safe.
The idea that people shouldn’t wear masks outdoors is a dangerous mindset to have in times where the lives of many people are in danger, specifically those with respiratory issues, heart problems, or are senior citizens.
As of right now in the state of Washington, over 172,000 total COVID-19 cases have been recorded. Additionally, Washington State experienced a large spike in the amount of cases on November 23. Out of the 172,000 people who caught the virus in the state, 2,895 of them have died.
In Florida, Governor Ron DeSantis has refused to have a mask mandate and has started a complete reopening. Mayors have pleaded for him to follow science and save lives, but he has opted to ignore them. Recently, Florida has had more than 7,300 coronavirus cases in the span of three days.
Despite the amount of casualties both here and all around the world, there are still those who are unconvinced and still do not want to think of the risk they pose to themselves and others by deliberately not wearing a mask. Ironically, this behavior seems to come from government leaders or those in power, since they too believe that the coronavirus is not a big deal.
In fact, on June 23, a video of Lewis County Sheriff Robert Snaza spread. In the video, he talks to a small group of people about Governor Jay Inslee’s order for people to wear masks outdoors. The Sheriff says, “don’t be a sheep,” basically encouraging the crowd to not listen to the order and continue to not wear masks.
It is concerning to see someone say this, especially a police officer, who is supposed to be enforcing the law. Clearly, there are some outside forces that are motivating anti-maskers to think the way that they do, if they did not feel that way already.
If people continue to protest wearing masks, the amount of cases will increase and put more people in danger. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but if that opinion results in actions that harm others, it should not be acceptable.