The well-liked and popular Pixar movie “Inside Out” has finally received its long-awaited sequel, simply named “Inside Out 2,” which was released to theaters on June 14th, 2024. The sequel takes place 2 years after the first movie, and follows the original characters, while adding in some new ones.
The movie carries over the plot and ideas of the last movie wonderfully, keeping the original five emotions of Joy, Anger, Sadness, Disgust, Fear, and the human they control, named Riley. They keep this while still introducing the new emotions of Anxiety, Envy, Embarrassment, and Ennui. These new emotions are somewhat more advanced forms of the original emotions, who come into Riley’s life during her first stages of puberty. When they suddenly appear, a large discomfort is evidently seen in the old emotions.
In the beginning of the movie, the villains of the story are revealed as the new emotions. The older emotions are sort of disregarded and tossed out, or bottled up. The main progression of the story is them trying to find a way back to the main headquarters-where they control her directly, to stop the negative emotions from taking over.
The plot to this movie was amazing, it followed the plot of the first movie correctly, and implemented it into a good sequel. The entire movie is full of emotional moments, like when seeing the old self-conscious being replaced. I’ll admit I cried at the end. They do good representations of each emotion, all of the new ones especially fit their assigned roles, as when you think of those emotions, you will think about those kinds of personalities.
The animation is a very high-quality 3D design with quite detailed closeups and backgrounds. The animation is very profound with details like tears, sweat, or facial expressions. All of the emotions appear to have some sort of fur, or velvety fabric showing how much detail Pixar puts into their work.
I believe this movie should be regarded at the same level or rating as the first one, as the production quality and storytelling were on-par with the high tier quality of the first movie. If anything, it’s a bit better just because of the more advanced and skilled Pixar team that is working on it, along with the developments they have had in 3D animation.