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The Student News Site Of Central Kitsap High School

Cougar Chronicle

The Student News Site Of Central Kitsap High School

Cougar Chronicle

The Student News Site Of Central Kitsap High School

Cougar Chronicle

Maddie Johnson

Maddie Johnson, Reporter

Maddie decided to take journalism to further explore writing and become more active in the community, along with building friendships off of shared interests. She is a strong writer who is full of passion for anything she does, and always seeks to expand her knowledge. Friends are a very large part of her life, she loves calling or going out with friends after school, which she does almost every day. She loves creating art in any medium, although mostly focusing on clay sculpture. She intends to create unbiased works to shed light on both sides of a story, aiming always for honesty over anything else.

All content by Maddie Johnson
Notes and computer scattered about on the table. Student studying in progress, materials scattered about the table.

AP Testing, How it Affects Students

by Maddie Johnson, Reporter
June 1, 2023

Many students in CKHS had AP (Advanced Placement) testing last month, testing puts a great strain on students, but also prepares them for college and the rest of their lives. “I've been kind of behind...

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Stylized image of a generic multiple choice test. Eraser marks cover the paper showing frustration manu AP testers deal with.

Opinion: Teachers Should Give Students Reduced Work During AP Testing

by Maddie Johnson, Reporter
May 16, 2023

Advanced Placement (AP) testing is stressful for students with the hours and hours of non stop working, and preparation before then. Students already get burnt out during these weeks and have a lot less...

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Photo from car on rainy day of CKHS entrance. Student drives up to CKHS in the morning on a rainy day. Taken by Maddie Johnson.

Teacher Shortage Plagues CKHS

by Maddie Johnson, Reporter
May 1, 2023

The teacher shortage is a global issue that is only growing worse, and it is affecting students and teachers at this school. Many teachers give up their planning periods in order to sub for other classes,...

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An inside look of the Cougar Den. During the advisory period the Den has been stocked up, and is ready for opening during lunch.

Cougar Den Addresses Complaints

by Maddie Johnson, Reporter
March 28, 2023

There have recently been a lot of complaints about the Cougar Den, specifically the pricing of cookies and other menu items, and the items sold. The cookies had a price jump from 50 cents to 75 cents,...

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The Student News Site Of Central Kitsap High School