Starting a Multicultural Club at Central Kitsap High

What it takes to start a multicultural club at Central Kitsap

Amezquita, Laramie, both a para-educator and co-adviser for the programming club is making moves to start a diversity club at the new CK building. Her vision for the club is a student-run and led club that will bring their own unique perspective to the group. The Club would start with afternoon meetings, and with enough momentum, the group could transition to tutorial meetings. With it being so dependent on individual student drive the club will have to run by a select group of extremely motivated students. 


Luckily Students such as Dayne Tipper, Semon Ard, and Quinn Taylor all seem to show interest in such a club. Dayne Tipper, a mixed senior, recognized the importance of underrepresented groups to feel represented. Tipper stated that if there were to be a meeting he would “stick his head in” to check it out.

Evan Stepney


Semon Ard, an African American senior looks forward to the club possibly making CK a more accepting place. When asked would he attend a meeting Ard stated that he would “definitely go and listen”. Ard preferred the meeting to be held after-school due to his personal schedule.

Evan Stepney

Quinn Quincey Taylor, a mixed raced sophomore stated that his parents, more specifically mother would push him to join such a club for both the advancement of himself and school. Taylor would prefer the club to be held during advisory, and believes the club only has the ability to enact change in those who care.