CKHS Workload. What do the students think?
Students speak up about their workload and stress.
CKHS journalism class working hard on their assignments.
Is Central Kitsap High School’s workload doable? Every school and teacher assigns different amounts and various types of assignments to their students, but what do CKHS students really think about their everyday workload?
We asked Lucas Hickam, Senior, if he thought that the workload at CKHS is doable,
“I think it is for most classes, but for AP classes it’s obviously more of an overload,” said Hickam.
He was also asked during his interview if he thinks the workload should be changed, where he responded with,
“I think it’s about reasonable, maybe some of the AP classes overdue it, but when you sign up for the AP classes you should be expecting more work,” said Hickam.
Another large concern is the stress students may get from their work and school in general. 75% of highschoolers and 50% of middle schoolers described themselves as “often or always feeling stressed” by schoolwork.
Jasmine San Juan, senior, during her interview, when asked about her school related stress said, “Both at home and at school I find myself very stressed. I feel very overwhelmed with the workload just because I am never too sure of the grade I’m going to get and if I’m putting in quality work.” There are many different forms of stress and stress should be taken seriously. High amounts of stress can cause other issues such as anxiety and or depression, which in many past cases has resulted in students having a harder time getting through school.
Overall, most interviewees agreed that although at times when it is highly stressful, the workload at CKHS is often doable.