The Rise in CKHS Instagram Burner Accounts
Looking into how the increase in CKHS burner accounts has affected students from an outsider point of view.

The CKHS Slumped burner account is among one of the most popular and active Instagram pages that features pictures of CK students asleep at school.
Anonymous Central Kitsap High School (CKHS) burner accounts run by students have surfaced on Instagram, with followers adding up to over a thousand.
Various different accounts depict photos of students, which are usually taken non-consensually. A few of the most popular accounts among students include photos of students’ bad parking jobs (@cks_worstparkers), students asleep during class (@ckhs.slumped), and feet of students using the restroom (@ck_bathroom_feet).
Currently, the escalation in CKHS burner accounts has caught the attention of many students of all grades. After a Tik Tok of another student from across the country showing her schools burner accounts went viral, this inspired many teens internationally to create burner accounts based off of their own school.
Bethani Juarez, Junior, “Yes, I did find these burner accounts and a lot of them have been really funny to me and my friends.” Juarez further states that the entertainment of these accounts have been a factor as to why she has been finding more of these accounts.
One may wonder as to why CKHS students follow these burner accounts. Juarez gives insight by stating that she finds the expansion of burner accounts to be intriguing, and that her friends likely follow these accounts for a good laugh since some of these accounts are in good-fun.

There are different points of views when it comes to how these burner accounts are viewed. Some students even have mixed opinions on the ethics of creating a burner account that photograph and videograph students who are unaware that they will be featured on these accounts.
“I think it’s a little bit of a boundary kind of thing, I guess,” said Juarez. “I don’t know if these people know they’re getting their pictures taken. But I think I can also see other people being like, Oh, this is really funny. So it’s fine.”
As for a reaction, Juarez finds that if she were to be featured on a CKHS burner account, her response would depend on how far the account pushes her boundaries. For example, Juarez cites that the page that features students sleeping during class would be, “really funny,” to her.
However, Juarez states that if an account were to depict an, “inappropriate,” picture of her, she would likely ask the owner of the account to take down the post. The word, “inappropriate,” differs from person to person, which shows that account owners may not know where to stop, considering that everyone’s boundaries vary.
With the rise in social media use among teenagers, the potential of teens using this as a form of bullying increases. One of the worst captioned photos witnessed by Juarez includes, “something like ‘fatty,’ on it.” Juarez claimed that her reaction to the caption was pretty shocking.
A main point of discourse is whether or not the CKHS burner accounts promote bullying. “It depends on the account because some of them are pretty harmless, but some of them are pretty, like really making fun of some kids,” said Juarez. “And, I don’t know, I think if they don’t know then it feels much worse… That’s a little hurtful.” Furthermore, Juarez feels that the burner accounts also promote name-calling.
According to Juarez, CKHS burner accounts could have positive effects on students, which is a completely different perspective. “I think it kind of brings a lot of the CK kids together to like to laugh and just be like joking around and even some of the kids on there will probably laugh and be like, ‘Yeah, that’s me’ and stuff like that,” said Juarez.
Regardless of the various perspectives that students have on the trending CKHS burner accounts, it is apparent that social media can bring out a widespread effect on teens. Below are the list of some CKHS burner pages that have been accounted for.
Ckhs_munchin, cks_worstparkers, ck_bathroom_feet, ckhs.slumped, ckhs.4k, ckhs.snitches_, ck.bad.posture, ckhs.mukbang, ckhs_tomfoolery, ckhs.gamesonyophone, ck_fit_checks, ckhs.guyswithbubblebutts, ckhs.menaces, ckhsemos, ckhs.gamesonyophone