BeReal, CKHS
BeReal is a new popular form of social media used by millions of Americans and many individuals at CKHS.
Over the past year, the social media known as BeReal has proven itself worthy of all ages and has even made itself widely known at Central Kitsap High School.
Hundreds of students and many teachers stop to take a picture and show what is really happening in their life whether it be in the halls, during class time, or even at home.
Jessie French, a math teacher at CK, explains that whenever BeReal goes off it is the one time she will let her students have their phone and take a quick picture since there is limited time.
BeReal operates in a way where it sends a universal message that the BeReal has gone off to all of its users at the same time and you have 2 minutes to take it. If you take it after that specified time zone, it will inform all your friends on the app that you are late.
“My favorite part of BeReal is keeping track of memories of things I did each day,” said Ambar Gaxiola, sophomore at Central Kitsap.
Ambar explained that she chose to download BeReal this summer while in San Diego because it seemed like a fun thing to do and enjoys this form of social media much more than others.
In the article about BeReal on TechCrunch, it says that the app was originally founded by GoPro employee Alexis Barreyat in December of 2019 and the concept of the app was expanded off another app called Minutiae which launched in 2019.
“There is some demand for new photo-sharing apps among younger users who are getting fed up with Instagram’s constant changes,” says TechCrunch.
In comparison to other forms of social media, “BeReal is not done to make anyone pretend that their life is a certain way, said French. “It gives permission for people to just be real. You see a lot of people doing normal things like just doing dishes.”
Many students and teachers at Central Kitsap do not participate in taking a BeReal everyday, though.
“I don’t feel the need to have BeReal and just have anxiety about needing to post it on time,” said Emma Lundblad, CK junior.
Since there is only two minutes to take the BeReal, there is a level of pressure to get it which may pose an anxiety threat.
Emma also included that she never really feels left out when BeReal goes off because she is always able to be included in someone else’s.
BeReal adds the element of inclusion since it also enables other individuals and friends to react with their faces and comment.
Compared to an app like Instagram where only one angle and perspective is seen, Ambar adds that BeReal allows for individuals to see both perspectives. She says that there is something much more personal about this app.
BeReal allows for the chance to include family in what may be going on whether that be home or out and about. Jessie French explained that she often takes BeReals with her family members.
French stated that she possesses limited friends on BeReal and is “not interested in having more friends especially if they are students.” She does feel more inclined to participate in the BeReal if she is around her students because of the engagement aspect.
BeReal impacts a vast range of students and teachers at CKHS and offers a unique way to unite them all by asking everyone to take just one single picture at the same time.