Marcella Fischer’s Swing Dancing in the Commons

A trip through the commons and onto the back patio after school every other Thursday.

by Kylie G. Martin, Reporter

Swing Dance Club is ran by Marcella Fischer and advised by Paul Birkenfeld every other Thursday 1:05p.m.-2:00p.m. (depending on attendance may be able to run longer) in the commons by the library stairs or on the patio. December 1 and 15 are the dates to go for the rest of 2022. A great place to learn moves for future dances- Marcy created this club in 2021 after COVID-19.  

Marcy began dancing in church when she was younger, along with her brother, but it sadly got discontinued due to isolation protocols in 2020. She enjoyed the experience so much that when school started back up she brought her love for swing dancing to Central Kitsap High School, so others may love it too.

In order to join this club you just walk up and let her or anyone in the club know. This club allows for all to join, whether or not they are associated with CK. You do not need a dance partner to go, Marcy teaches individually and eventually other attendees will dance with you, although the more the merrier. So, please bring friends if you can! The first dance you will learn is a simple step pattern with country dance origin and how to properly twirl. If you are having a hard time or when in doubt, Marcy herself used YouTube to better learn the moves. Marcy says her passion for swing dancing is probably due to her “personality”, and if you have yet to meet her, she is a very friendly and easy-going person. 

Levi Bellon rates his experience as an 8/10 and says, “even just for fun, you can always use it… there’s these swing dance meetings I’ve gone to with Marcy too, it is very fun”.

This club is highly recommended to anyone who is bored, has no plans, wants to learn a dance, needs a new skill, etc. Levi joined the club from his friendship beforehand with Marcy, he teaches with her now. The skills learned are easy to remember and helpful when they are necessary. You can find advertisements for this club from Marcy personally, or email Marcella Fischer for email reminders and updates, or check the school website club list for more information regarding the club later on the CKHS Clubs page.

Lastly, Marcy highly recommends popping by often to learn dances for homecoming, special events, prom, and anything else you are going to participate in! There are always delicious snacks made by Mrs.Fischer when you stop by for lessons, so if you love a good treat and are in the mood to learn something new, this club might just be one for you