ASB members practice for the TOLO lip sync battle, in the CKHS gym.
Meet the 2023-2024 Executive ASB
As Central Kitsap High School’s class of 2023 try on their gowns, executive ASB plans for the new school year.
by Ellie Larsen, Reporter, Assistant Editor

Ferrah Capas: Executive President
After three years of holding the position of class president, Ferrah Capas will continue representing Central Kitsap High School as the Associate Student Body executive president for the 2023-2024 school year. Capas aims to increase student involvement and events, one of which is reincorporating an inter-high spirit week. “I just really love planning the events, a lot of them are traumatizing ...

Phoebe Mejica: Executive Secretary
Phoebe Mejica is heading into the school year with the position of executive secretary. She aims to create a more inclusive environment and include more of the student body. “As secretary I really want to help establish more roles or more jobs for liaison positions so they have a greater connection to the student body instead of just having the core do everything,” said Mejica.
Eleeyse Greenlaw: Executive Vice President
After supporting her class as a representative for the past two years, Eleeyse Greenlaw stepped out of her comfort zone to take up the role as executive vice president. “Ferrah, the new president this year, just pushed me to try it," said Greenlaw. "She was like ‘I don’t think anyone’s running, so I just go for it,’ so I did.” Greenlaw strives to increase student participation and cl...

Kaitlyn Schumacher: Executive Treasurer
Kaitlyn Schumacher is diving into new territories and holding the position of executive treasurer in her first year on ASB. “I really wanted to be more involved in the school, I had an interest in the treasurer position because I knew it was a lot of organization and I'm pretty good with those skills,” said Schumacher. Schumacher draws inspiration from her own experiences as a newer student a...

Abi Lundblad: Senior Class President
Abi Lundblad takes a leap from being a class representative to senior class president. With this newfound role, she plans to “bring back the spirit” and create a funner environment. “I feel that since my class was the freshmen class over COVID, there's absolutely zero spirit, like we lose every single spirit week, and I want to change that,” said Lundblad.

Ary Eagan: Senior Class Vice President
Ary Eagan is sticking to what she knows. After two years as class vice president, Eagan heads into the new school year as the senior class vice president. She has her sights set on creating a positive prom experience for everyone and including the student body more in decision making, “For our senior year, we are planning on doing a lot more productive activities as a whole for exec ASB, we're ...

Kate Lawrence: Junior Class President
After a year on ASB as a representative, Kate Lawrence is back as the junior class president with a goal of creating a safe and welcoming environment for Central Kitsap High School students. “I like to be challenged and I hope to create the environment that I wish I could have had in the past couple of years,” said Lawrence.

Ambar Gaxiola: Junior Class Vice President
Ambar Gaxiola heads into her junior year as class vice president, ready to keep everyone involved and to take into account student opinion. Gaxiola loves ASB and the inclusive environment it has. “Everyone is just always trying hard to benefit the school,” said Gaxiola.

Cassie Roy: Junior Class Secretary
Cassie Roy is resuming her role as class secretary for her third year. Going into next school year, she aims to hold more activities and get more students involved. “I love the community, it's really fun, and I just love being able to spend time with other classmates, and help and hear what they have to say and see how I can put that into action,” said Roy.

Kamryn Hamrick: Junior Class Treasurer
Kamryn Hamrick heads into the school year with her hopes high, holding the position of junior class treasurer during her first year being a part of ASB, after always wanting to be a part of it. “I’m excited, I haven't been a part of it before,” said Hamrick. "So I hope to find more friends with it."

Ava Chadwick: Sophmore Class President
Ava Chadwick heads into next year with the goal of having a more unified approach and plan with ASB in mind, something she hopes to accomplish as sophomore class president. “I was seeing some problems with the current ASB leadership and I wanted to fix some things,” said Chadwick. Chadwick hopes to get more student input on spirit week and activities, because she knows how much students lo...

Gabrielle Dockendorf: Sophomore Class Vice President
Gabrielle Dockendorf is heading into her sophomore year with 5 years of ASB experience under her belt, holding the position of sophomore vice president. Dockendorf aims to get more people involved with ASB and planning more events, she’s working with her partner Ava Chadwick to make that happen.

Emily West: Sophomore Class Secretary
Emily West is heading into the school year as sophomore class secretary, with hopes of planning more student events, such as social gatherings or a possible ice-cream social.

Montana Nguyen
Montana Nguyen is aiming to join more clubs and get the student body involved next year as the Sophomore class treasurer. “I thought that treasurer would be a better way to not only be involved with the school community, but also as well help with financial and budgets," said Nguyen. "I have a job at my parents' restaurant. I have experience with dealing with money.”
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