Swimmin’ Women Splash through the Season

Team Captains Maddison Polzin and Tori Allen.

The Swimmin’ Women of CK are a dedicated group. Lead by coach Mari Guagliardo, or “Coach G”, who serves as a librarian at Central Kitsap High School, and by team captains Tori Allen and Maddison Polzin, the team has been in action since the start of the school year. In fact, practices for the team started in late August. As well as an early start to practices, the girl’s team had one of the largest number of people start this year than the past four years, with over thirty five girls originally on the team.

October 13th marked the final home meet for the 2015 season. Unfortunately, the team lost the match against Wilson High School, 116 to 67. Despite the loss, Allen remained positive and said, “even though we lost, it was a fun meet.” The team still has many girls with league qualifying times, allowing them the chance to win various medals in both individual and medley events.

Sadly, this season marks the end of Coach G’s training, as she will be moving to Seattle following this school year. Though her career with the Swimmin’ Women comes to an end, Coach G still has one more season with the Boys Swim Team. She said she is excited for the guy’s team, and cannot wait for it to start.

But before the boys’ season starts, the girls must finish theirs. Though a small number, some of the girls still have a chance to earn district and even state times! Let’s all cheer on the girls as their final few meets fast approaches! Go Cougs!