Nothing Stands In Their Way

Coach K is picking who should play in the first scrimmage

Joshua Smith

Coach K is picking who should play in the first scrimmage

Kari Collett tackles the new season with a whole new team. Coach K is the new coach for the girls’ basketball team and she is ready to win. Coach K is from Kansas and doesn’t know any of the players or other coaches personally. She is 27-years-old with a lot of experience under her belt, having played basketball all of high school and in college as well.

Coach K is expecting the girls on the team to be successful throughout the entire season, which does not necessarily mean win every game but learn from their mistakes and getting better every week. Coach K really believes that a great defense makes a good offense. “It doesn’t just make a great offense,” she continued, “in itself it can win games! If you have a good enough offense and a great defense, then, you WILL win games.”

One of the players goes through the drill to impress the new coach
Joshua Smith
One of the players goes through the drill to impress the new coach

Coach K said that anyone who steps on that court is the biggest threat. How she will prepare the girls to beat those teams is by beating themselves. “Whatever you were, you want to be better than.” With plenty of practice and repetition, the girls will be better than they were.

by the end of the try outs, coach wanted to teach the proper passes
Joshua Smith
by the end of the try outs, coach wanted to teach the proper passes

On the first day of the girls’ tryouts, they were 32 girls there wanting and working hard for a spot on the team. By day three, only five girls had been cut. The girls’ basketball team will have a Varsity, Junior Varsity, and a C-team as well. With a new season to prepare, Coach K is very excited to be apart of our Cougar nation.