Write Club is the Right Club


Cadence Royer

Victoria Steffee waits for Connor Kelsay to join her for the meeting.

Write Club is one of several after school activities for students. It lets students express themselves and tell a story, whether it be true or make believe. Students meet every Tuesday after school to share their stories and ideas. English teacher Elizabeth Blandin is the new teacher in charge of Write Club this year. There are two students involved in Write Club right now: freshman Victoria Steffee, and senior Connor Kelsay, but there is always room for more!

Victoria Steffee is proud to show off her novel in the making.
Cadence Royer
Victoria Steffee is proud to show off her novel in the making.

Victoria Steffee said, “It’s really interesting to see what kind of writing the school teaches.” Both students involved in Write Club pick topics and themes to write about. One day it could be a short story about zombies and the next it could be a poem about a squirrel.

“Writing is my favorite thing to do!” said Victoria Steffee.
Cadence Royer
“Writing is my favorite thing to do!” said Victoria Steffee.

Victoria Steffee said, “We also talk about writing music and plays and things for the stage.” Writing is an outlet that really lets people express themselves to the fullest. Steffee said she wants to be an author when she’s older and she’s well on her way. She said, “I’ve always loved writing because it’s like taking life frustrations and murdering them.”

In Write Club there are no wrong ideas and anyone has the freedom to express themselves. They meet in the Library in the biggest conference room every Tuesday, so stop by anytime!