Destination Imagination


“Ohana” waited for their turn to complete their Instant Challenge, which is a 10 minute acting or building challenge which requires quick and clever thinking from everyone on the team.

Destination Imagination is an organization designed to teach creativity and innovation to students of all ages. The DI organization annually releases seven challenges in different categories, such as Improv, Visual Arts and Service Learning. A team of up to seven students then chooses a challenge and works to solve it for the next few months, and displays their progress to a panel of judges at a competition.

This year at CKHS, one team of seven boys competed at the yearly DI competition. The team “Ohana” consisted of sophomore Matthew Smith, juniors Duncan Guerrero, Justin Anderson, Jayson Hew-Len, Kyle Hamrick, Maurice Salmi, and senior Jalen Feliciano, directed by team manager Libby Anderson. “Ohana” participated in the Improv challenge, called “Close Encounters.” In the challenge, team members had to prepare a four minute improvisational skit within a confined space, where they would receive a news flash.

Throughout the day, Ohana had many challenges to overcome. One member could not attend the competition, and halfway through the day, another member rolled his ankle while playing basketball and could not perform. These setbacks did not stop the team though, and they succeeded in presenting a hilarious skit about being stuck in a post-apocalyptic shelter. Ohana ended up placing 4th in the secondary level of the competition.

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Sophomore Matthew Smith pretended to be a plumber fixing the toilet of a post-apocalyptic shelter while the rest of the team discussed the impressive new features of their underground “condo.”