Seniors, Get Those Fines Paid!

Skyler Stephens

Senior fines can be paid here!

Every year there are thousands of dollars fined to the senior class which have to be paid off in order to graduate. Fines include everything from missing/damaged books to parking violations. Senior Andrew Campbell said, “I still have fines from my junior year that I have to pay off.”

During senior finals, the seniors will receive a senior clearance sheet. It is the student’s responsibility to have this form completed and returned to the Counseling Office. If a senior does not return this form and pay all fees and fines, his/her diploma will be withheld.

ASB Bookkeeper Jo Conner said, “One year, a senior had to drive all the way to Belfair to pick up money to pay a fine. Rehearsal did not start until 10:30.  Lots of grumpy seniors that year.” That was a three hour delay from when rehearsal was supposed to start.

We are fortunate, because all fines can be paid off during the last day of our senior year. Conner also stated that items that have been paid for, such as yearbooks, will not be taken away the day of graduation.The average senior fine runs anywhere from $30.00 (parking fine) to $75.00 (sports fee).  One fine ran as high as $2,000.00 (destruction of the baseball fields).  The first rehearsal is always held up by one or two fines, said Conner, but usually for not more than 20 minutes.

Jo Connor solving a bookkeeping problem.
Jo Connor solving a bookkeeping problem.