Dominic Telemaque

Dominic Telemaque, pleased with his throws practice.

Junior Dominic Telemaque, #17, is a wide receiver on the CKHS boys’ football team. Telemaque has played football for three years. He started playing football because he “wanted to try a sport all his friends played.” He said his biggest accomplishment in football was catching a game winning touchdown his freshmen year against Mt. Tahoma.

Telemaque said he likes to set his goals high so he can push himself more. He gets his inspiration from Coach Mark Keel because he always pushes him to do better in football. Not only does Telemaque play football, but he has also played basketball for five years. “ I have always loved the game and it’s fun to play.”

When Telemaque isn’t at school or working hard on the football field, he is hanging out with friends or playing basketball. Telemaque said, “It’s not hard to keep up grades, it’s just more to focus on.”