Later dates for SBA testing

Mr. Johnson overlooks the dates for SBA testing

Smarter Balanced Testing is one of the main tests for graduation as required by the state. There are usually two parts of the test: the comprehensive test which will be taken on a computer, and will have primarily multiple choice questions, and the performance test, for which students write essays/reflections.

The classes of 2017 and 2018 have an English and Math Smarter Balanced Test. The classes of 2019 will no longer be taking the EOC, an end of course exam that a student usually takes when they are done with a class. They will continue taking the Smarter Balanced Tests for their math and English graduation requirements.

The reason the tests are changing is because the state graduation requirements are changing. And the state legislature wants the SBA math to be the final graduation requirement for the class of 2019; they wanted to stop giving out two tests, according to Vice Principal Craig Johnson.

Johnson also said testing will be May 22 this year (much later than previously) because the state window for testing is from May 8th – June 2nd. There will be enough practice opportunities and class preparation before the test is given, he said. Students should get their final test scores by next school year, which could be a downside for people that may need extra help and would prefer to go to summer school.