Feature: Abi Lundblad Feels Supported By Team
Abi Lundbland, number 15 on Central Kitsap High School girls varisty basketball, feels the support of her team and her sister.
Emma and Abi Lundblad sharing a moment after girls basketball secures their win
Walking into the Central Kitsap High School Gym, sounds of galvanized screams can be heard coming from all directions. A voice is heard from amongst the packed student section. Emma Lundblad can distinctly be heard screaming “that’s my girl” as Abi Lundblad scores a basket.
Abi Lundblad, number 15, has played for Central Kitsap High School girls basketball for three years and is now on Varsity. Lundblad plays center, and sometimes forward.
Lunblad says, in regards to their identity as a queer individual, that they “never really felt out of place at all.” Lundblad was already out when they first joined the team and felt very little apprehension in regards to their identity and acceptance within the team.
The first time Lundblad played at Klahowya her freshman year, she played the best she had all season. Her team exhibited extreme support and excitement, reflecting in a very supportive team environment. “You could just tell that they were proud of me,” said Lundblad.
“As a team we hang out a lot, that helps us not only play better on the court, they are some lifelong friends,” said Lundblad. “We play on club teams together. So me and four or five girls from the team were in Vegas this summer for a week playing some basketball tournaments.”
Now on their way to post season, the team has accumulated incredible team chemistry and everyone has had their head in the game, always present at practices and games. Sohpie Driskell and Callie Dudley are two individuals Lundblad has formed deeper connections with.
“She’s my best friend,” said Dudley.

“I love Sophie, we weren’t that close my freshman year,” said Lundblad. “We were on different teams and then in my sophomore year we got a little closer. She’s just really uplifting and she’s really funny. She’s definitely the funniest on the team, and gives me a lot of nicknames.”
Lundblad and the rest of her team always stay after practice to practice shooting and ice up which has had a positive impact on team chemistry and team mental health.
Lundblad’s number one supporter would be her twin sister, Emma Lundblad.
“I go to all of her games,” said Emma Lundblad.
Emma can be found screaming and chanting from the student section at all of the girls varsity home games, and even some away games.
“I try to support her through her relationships and through figuring out her sexuality and everything that I can do,” said Emma.

Emma’s support doesn’t stop on the court, she continues to support her sister with her identity and relationships.
“She has never made it awkward, when I came out she immediately made a joke which is funny because that’s exactly how I wanted her to react,” Said Abi Lundblad. “I think she knew that.”
Read more about Emma Lundblad here.