Jerry Poplin is the New Office Secretary

Jerry Poplin is the new office seceratary who just started in June and is hoping to continue working at CKHS for three more years.

Jerry Poplin

Jerry Poplin

Jerry Poplin with her husband on vacation together.

by Lillian Church, Reporter

The phone is ringing, a pile of paperwork is slowly building in the corner and someone is asking for directions to the bathroom but the new Office Secretary, Mrs. Jerry Poplin takes a sip from her sasquatch-head mug and gets to work. 

Poplin is always bringing 100% effort to her work and sometimes even more. Anything to be done will be done as quickly as possible. 

“She always is doing something and she always has something for me to do or she’ll help me out with something. If I need help with figuring out where something goes or someone calls and has a question, she’ll always know the answer,” said Kody Carmody, senior and office B.E.S.T. student. 

Starting in June of this year, Poplin has come to work with a bright smile and enthusiastic personality which spreads contagiously throughout the office. 

Poplin leaves a huge impact on the people who work with her whether it be her encouraging demeanor or work ethics.

“She’s the front desk,” Office Manager, Susan Hicks said. “She’s the first face that everyone sees; she’s incredibly efficient and kind and loves to help and just get up there and do it.”

There’s a pattern in the way her co-workers describe her: Kind, efficient, good with people, helpful. No one seems to be able to find a flaw in her besides her stubborn insistence that there is, in fact, a bigfoot. It’s clear why Poplin was chosen for the job as Office Secretary.

Poplin credits her ability to multitask and her detail oriented mind. “I like to help out a lot. I’m a team player,” Poplin said when naming out a few of her other strengths.

It seems that even after school hours she can’t sit still. She volunteers to help at middle school track meets and high school football games, working on the scoreboards. She loves Football and soccer and even coached a few years for a middle school soccer team. 

Whether it be at a game or in the office, Poplin is always more than happy to help. It’s clear that when three more years pass us by and she decides to leave the school and retire, there will be a loving crowd at Central Kitsap High School that will miss her fiercely.