Homecoming Fans


Sean Eidsvaag

As the crowd watched, the ball got intercepted by Lincoln High School’s football team.

Sophomore Bridget Morse has attended all of the home games this season. She attended the Homecoming game based on recommendations. Some seniors told her it’s a great way of meeting people and to just have fun and hangout with friends after school hours.

Morse also said that she “likes to do the cheers and chants along with the cheerleaders.” Morse attended last year’s Homecoming game, so knows from experience that the Homecoming games are the best.

 Morse’s favorite game of the season so far was the orange-out, also known as the Homecoming game, played against the Capitol Cougars and CK. CK won 31 to 20. Morse does not have any specific player that she watches out on the field.