Women’s History Month

A month dedicated to the women who have changed our lives.


Makayla Wilson

Rosie the Reviter was a cultural icon during WWII for the women that worked in the factories and shipyards.

by Makayla Wilson, Writer

Mar. 24—From old to new, from black to white, from sports to fashion, from writers to actors; women all around the world in every situation have broke unthinkable barriers. In 1986, Congress declared the entire month of March to the history of women.

Women have changed every fraction of our culture. The very first game changer for the world was Susan B. Anthony, she was the President of the National American Woman Suffrage. Anthony’s work in the movement paved the way for the 19th amendment. Coco Chanel changed the fashion world and gave woman everywhere the option to dress any way they wanted (even if it was frowned upon) and made accessories no one had thought of at the time. Rosa Parks was a member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and a civil rights activist. J.K Rowling, the writer of the Harry Potter is the highest paid author as of 2017. When she first started publishing her books, her publisher thought men would not buy her book since a women wrote so she change the name to J.K. All these women have made a difference in the societal norms in the world we live in today.

Makayla Wilson
The first female pilot to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean.

There are many more women that have made an impact on our history. Ms. Devnich, says that “Maya Angelou, Rosa Parks, Frances Perkins, Eleanor Roosevelt, Anne Frank and Harriet Tubman” are some of the women most influential women in our past. Devnich is hoping to run a Women’s studies course next year, “We will be looking historical at women’s issues and make connections to the current issues in our society”. This month is not just for historical or famous women, we should all take time to appreciate the women that have influenced our lives personally. For example, Christina Calma said, “Some women that currently inspire me are of course the women of my powerful family. Notionally my mom, my grandmas, and my aunts. They are always there for me and inspire me to succeed in life”. Women’s History month may end in April but we should still appreciate and respect the women who have changed our lives for the better. Not just women, everybody.