The Recent Elections

A brief overview of the ASB election cycle


Victoria Steffee

The candidates are selected by the student body

by Victoria Steffee, Editor

People vote to ensure that their interests are represented in government. The ASB is no different. Students want to have their voices heard by the administration, and by electing their fellow students into the positions.

Many people criticize student elections as popularity contests, and some people at CK have even dropped out of elections because they don’t believe they could win. It is a valid concern, even schools in Canada have trouble. No one wants to care about buffing up someone else’s college application.

Rest assured that is not the case.

“They are a big part of the school,” says senior Mason Brandt. He is not in ASB, but he is involved with the school.

Most of the people elected push for genuine change. ASB has initiated the gender neutral dance courts, hold a yearly constitutional convention, and handles the budget for clubs and sports. The ASB is not an application buffer, no matter what the naysayers preach. They don’t care about their vote.

Elections are done during Thursday Tutorials, when students are sorted neatly by grade level. The candidates are presented by a video where they introduce themselves and lay out concisely why they should be elected.

The recent elections during Thursday’s tutorial instated the new ASB cabinet. They will take office during the next school year.

President Ryan Nguyen, Vice President Fritz Humm, Secretary Alexa Watson, Treasurer Jasmine Lee will be proud to serve CKHS to the best of their ability. Their experience may vary, but they have the schools best interest at heart.

Jasmine Lee’s poster by Victoria Steffee

Fritz Humm, currently a junior and the future Vice President, confirms that.

“I ran so I could help CK and give back to our community,” he states.

Soon, these same elections will be held again for grade level cabinets.

Make good choices Cougs. Vote for the people you believe can change the school, not just your friends.