I'm not quite sure who wrote this letter or what exactly it's referencing, but the doodles caught my attention. They perfectly remind me of all the dumb little doodles I draw with (and of) my friends,...
Sophomores Addyson Agpawa (left) and Lola Prouse (right) read through brochures for the Running Start program during CKHS’ annual College & Career Day event.
During one of The Underground Music Club's after school meetings, members and adviser Blair Taylor gather around the smartboard to listen to a song together.
The on-going issue of gun violence is one that continues to cost the lives of innocent students and faculty in schools across the United States. Unfortunately, hearing tragic stories of mass shootings...
Several members of Central Kitsap High School's Instru-Mentoring Club gather together in the gym to close out the Kitsap Youth Rally with an instrumental performance.
Libraries in CKSD will already face the devastating loss of library clerks' reassignments next year due to the elimination of Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER) and a decrease...
32 years after The Silence of the Lambs' initial release, critics and general audiences still can't make up their minds on what genre the film should be considered. Hulu categorizes it under mystery, while...
Bo O’Shaughnessy poses with his cheeseburger in Mr. Tracewell’s classroom. Many students choose to eat lunch in places other than the cafeteria due to overcrowding.
Pictured is the poster designed by Central Kitsap High School students Ky Moody, Jai Hall, and Curtis Witcher to spread awareness about how to access the gender neutral bathrooms.