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The Student News Site Of Central Kitsap High School

Cougar Chronicle

The Student News Site Of Central Kitsap High School

Cougar Chronicle

The Student News Site Of Central Kitsap High School

Cougar Chronicle

Noah Hlavaty

Noah Hlavaty, Editor-in-Chief

Senior, Noah Hlavaty, our production team’s co-editor, puts journalism as a priority. He believes that honest journalism helps keep society civil and aware and that it is a necessity that people are able to access reliable news, and he dreams to provide that.  Outside of classes, he regularly listens to podcasts and plans to create a couple of series during his senior year. Along with spending his free time on podcasts, he also participates in Central Kitsap High School’s Environmental Club. In his final year at Central, he plans to improve his self-discipline and self-motivation. After graduating from high school, he plans to continue to Western Washington University and major in Environmental Science or Journalism and pursue a career in Environmental Restoration or become a reporter for NPR.      

All content by Noah Hlavaty
Front entrance to the original Central Kitsap High School building, now partly demolished (03/10/2020)

Deconstruction of Central Kitsap High School

by Noah Hlavaty, Editor-in-Chief
March 11, 2020

Originally known as Port Washington Bay Union High School, Central Kitsap has undergone many different iterations since opening its doors in 1924. A fire in the early 1940s forced the school to reopen...

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Xavier Medina (right) and Abby Power (left) during the opening night showing of Shakespeare's "Macbeth"

Macbeth Review: Fair is Foul, and Foul is Fair

by Noah Hlavaty, Editor-in-Chief
March 6, 2020

“Macbeth” grapples with everything expected of a Shakesperian stageplay; healthy doses of tragedy, humor, and just a pinch of murder. The narrative follows Macbeth, a faithful man prophesized to become...

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The 2017 Women's March, which drew over 470,000 people protesting for immigration & healthcare reform, environmental protection, and reproductive rights to show unity in opposition to President Donald Trump

The Uncertain future of Abortion in America

by Noah Hlavaty, Editor-in-Chief
March 5, 2020

Under a fabricated alias designed to preserve her real identity, Jane Roe filed a lawsuit against Texas district attorney Henry Wade that would establish the most controversial women’s health precedent...

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Guest speakers during  "Leaving our island day" pictured from right to left; Hisa Hayashida Matsudaira, Lily Kitamoto Kodama, Bill Takemoto, and Gillian Engelson

Leaving Our Island Day: Remembering Bainbridge Island Internment Camps

by Noah Hlavaty, Editor-in-Chief
March 5, 2020

  Just one day after the attack on Pearl Harbor, the deadliest external assault on American grounds, former President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued a declaration of war on Japan during a joint session...

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Logo for the Chronicle Communicator

Logo for the Chronicle Communicator

Chronicle Communicator Podcast art

Chronicle Communicator Podcast art

The Birds of Prey core cast from left to right; Renee Montoya (Rosie Perez), Huntress (Mary Elizabeth Winstead), Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie), Ella Jay Basco (Cassandra Cain), & Black Canary (Jurnee Smollett-Bell)

Birds of Prey: Brutally Violent and full of Harley Quinn

by Noah Hlavaty, Editor-in-Chief
February 10, 2020

 Appearing opposite fools and jesters, the harlequin was a female subservient whose outlandish costuming and foolish nature brought laughter to lords and ladies of 16th Century French courts. DC Comics,...

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Guitarist Billie Joe Armstrong (left), drummer Tré Cool, and bass guitarist Mike Dirnt (right) pictured in the music video for “Father of All...”

Father of All… Album Review

by Noah Hlavaty, Editor-in-Chief
February 7, 2020

In the family of Rock n’ Roll, grunge & punk rock are the black sheep that diverged from the flock and created an amalgamation of teen angst with a splash of anarchy. Among the titans of punk rock...

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Vlach showcasing his catch during a salmon fishing trip

Profiling Joe Vlach

by Noah Hlavaty, Editor-in-Chief
February 6, 2020

The cold, piercing Alaskan air has the subtle tinge of saltiness. Seagulls caw overhead for scraps of food and the occupants aboard the fishing vessel are presented with a constant reminder of their ever-growing...

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Silverdale TOYSRUS after recent Company-Wide closures left many stores in disrepair

End of the American Mall

by Noah Hlavaty, Editor-in-Chief
January 27, 2020

As the 2019 holiday shopping season came to a close, the shopping malls and department stores felt the strain of online traffic. The mall craze is dead in the center of large recessions, with retailers...

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OK boomer

by Noah Hlavaty, Editor-in-Chief
January 6, 2020

Spend 5 minutes online and you’re likely to see the mantra of Generation Z used to silence the baby boomer generation. The phrase has augmented itself greater than the initial meaning, with merchandising...

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Female Chum salmon returning to Chico Creek to spawn in late Nov, 2019

Returning Chico Creek salmon

by Noah Hlavaty, Editor-in-Chief
November 26, 2019

  Every year during October and early November, seagoing salmon migrate from their feeding grounds to the rivers and streams of their birth.    In Kitsap County, there are 34 rivers...

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Texan Senator John Cornyn (R) introducing the RESPONSE bill on Oct. 23, 2019

A RESPONSE to school shootings

by Noah Hlavaty, Editor-in-Chief
November 12, 2019

Twenty years after the infamous Columbine shooting in 1999, there have been more than 800 mass shootings in the United States. Several congressional proposals have been put forward to combat the increase...

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Native American march from Westlake Park to Seattle City Hall along 5th Avenue. Image Credit to Ellen M. Banner from the Seattle Times

Renaming Columbus Day

by Noah Hlavaty, Editor-in-Chief
October 29, 2019

Every year since 1968, the United States has celebrated “Columbus Day” to commemorate the arrival of Christopher Columbus and his three Spanish ships in the Americas. The arrival of the Niña, Pinta,...

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Group of Central Kitsap Middle Schoolers strike for Climate Policy on the High School bleachers during the Sept. 27 protests.

Central Kitsap strikes for climate action

by Noah Hlavaty, Editor-in-Chief
October 4, 2019

  On Friday, Sept. 20 and one week later on Sept. 27, millions of student protesters from over 156 countries took part in the International Climate Strike, a global movement advocating for governments...

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