Reflections Ceremony — what’s that?

Hope Clarks visual art  piece went on to state.

Hope Clark’s visual art piece went on to state.

Everyone has a story. What’s yours? There are many different ways to interpret this theme, whether it’s literal, telling the story of your life, or maybe by using symbolism. Many students entered their own interpretations of the theme, in the form of beautiful art, to the Reflections contest this year.

Reflections is the nationwide art contest for elementary school kids through high school kids, that  every year, thousands of students around the country enter.

This year, the contest gave students a chance to tell their own story through art. Most students chose to do a visual art piece, but the contest also has categories for dance choreography, film production, literature, music composition, and photography.

There were quite a few submissions from the district, and two pieces from CK went on to state, by Hope Clark and Jamielyn Ching, who both entered visual arts pieces.  CK’s Reflections contest winners would have enjoyed receiving their awards — if they had been at the awards ceremony. 

Unfortunately, no one from CK got to go the the ceremony to accept their awards, because they were not notified that it was happening.

Last year, everyone who entered their piece piled into Olympic High School’s auditorium, hoping to hear their name called for first place. It was crowded and unorganized, but at least everyone was there.

“No one even told me that it was coming up!” said senior Anikka Taeza. “I just figured they hadn’t planned it yet, and then one day I just got a note that said I didn’t make it to state!”

When asked to comment, the district Reflections adviser did not respond.